How To Obtain Class I, II Medicals
Class II Medical Examination
Class II medical is the the first step towards a pilot’s career. It’s required for you to get an SPL (Student Pilot License) and to join a flying school.
Step 1. Visit this link and go through the list of DGCA examiners. From the list, select the doctor who suits you best, contact and fix an appointment with them.
DO NOT get your medicals done by any other doctor, or it’ll be deemed invalid.
Step 2. Fill out relevant forms and get all the tests done, as instructed by your doctor. This includes blood, urine, BMI (body mass index), ECG, Blood pressure, chest x-ray, and ENT tests.
Step 3. The doctor will approve all your reports will send them to DGCA, Delhi for approval.
Step 4. Once your medical documents reach DGCA, a file will be prepared on your respective name and you will receive a file number. Collect your Medical Assessment from the DGCA Medical Cell, Delhi.
Class I Medical Examination
Step 1. Check whether the intended medical is an initial or a renewal medical.
(a) Initial Medical. Initial medical is done when a person with a valid Class 2 medical applies for the first time for a Class 1 Medical (a requirement for commercial license). Also, in case the last medical date (Class 1) is more than two years old, a fresh initial (Re-initial) Class 1 medical is to be conducted only at Air Force Medical Boarding centers, along with approved NOC by Medical Cell, DGCA.
(b) Renewal Medical. Class 1 Medical Assessments are valid for one year for persons less than 60 yrs. of age in Multi crew commercial Air Transport Operations or six months for persons above 40 yrs of age in Single crew commercial air transport operations. The renewal medical may be done anytime from one month before date of expiry of validity of Medical Assessment to the date of expiry of validity. If done earlier or later than that, an NOC is required. Renewal Class 1 medical may be done after expiry of validity of previous (but not beyond two years since date of last medical) along with NOC. The NOC form available in Procedure & training Manual, available on DGCA websites Annexure ‘D’ to be filled completely. Applications for NOC are to be made after obtaining confirmed appointment and to be sent along with Last Valid Medical Assessment, issued by DGCA. Renewal medical exam is conducted in IAF / AF Centers and by DGCA empanelled Class 1 Examiners.
(c) Renewals mandatory at IAM/ AFCME/ MEC(E)/ 11 Air Force Hospital (11 AFH) / Command Hospital Air Force Bangalore (CHAF’B’). The following medicals will compulsorily be done only at IAM/AFCME/ MEC(E) /11 AFH/
CHAF’B’: –
(i) All medicals after 60 yrs of age and
(ii) Medicals after attaining age 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 yrs and every medical after 60 yrs of age.
Step 2. Appointment & Previous Medical Record (PMR) Forwarding.
(a) IAF Centres. After ascertaining type of medical, kindly seek appointment well in advance keeping in view the time required for grant of appointments and PMR forwarding from DGCA. The procedure for seeking appointment can be accesses in the DGCA website under the Medical Section.
(b) Civil Centres & Class 1 Examiners. For Civil Hospitals (initial Medical) andClass 1 Examiners (renewal medicals), kindly contact the centres/ examiners directly at the addresses given below. PMR forwarding is not required for Class 1 initial medicals which are to be conducted at Nanavati Hospital, Apollo Hospital, and for renewal medical examinations conducted by Class 1 Medical Examiners & for Air Force Medical Examination Centres {except IAM/AFCME/MEC(E) /11 AFH/ CHAF’B’}.
Step 3. PMR Status Query.
PMR files are forwarded to IAF Centres 2-3 weeks prior to date of appointment (even if applications are received early).For any queries regarding PMR file no., its status and its assessment, any correction or updating any
address/details/name – it is kindly requested to contact on below mentioned contact no. of SO Medical Cell (DGCA HQ) 01124622500 Extn 453 OR You can visit or can authorize any of your rep. to collect your Medical Assessment on Public Days from Med Dte at DGCA i.e Wednesday & Thursday between 1400h to 1730h. Further, for any queries regarding taking of appointment and status of your medical appointment, it is kindly requested to contact on below mentioned contact no. or e-mail on 01124622500 Extn 526 / 453 and after confirmation of the same you can apply for NOC.
Step 4. No Objection Certificate (NOC).
For Re-initial /delayed/ early/ Post TU or Special Medicals only, kindly obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Medical Dte at DGCA, New Delhi. The NOC form available in Procedure & training Manual, available on DGCA websites Annexure ‘D’ to be filled completely. Applications for NOC are to be made after obtaining confirmed appointment and to be sent along with Last Valid Medical Assessment, issued by DGCA.
Class 1 Initial Medical Examination are conducted at Seven (07) Centresamongst which Five (05) are of the Indian Air Force and two (02) are at civil hospitals. The details of which are appended below:-
Initial Medical Examination:

Class 1 Renewal Medical Examination are conducted at Twenty Two (22) centres of the Indian Air Force and Twenty Five (25) DGCA empanelled Class 1 Medical Examiners. Class 1 Renewal Medicals are not conducted
at Class 1 Civil Medical Centres i.e Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Hospital.
Renewal Medical Examination:

DGCA Class I Medical Examiners (Civil Doctors):